Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Stalker?

Yesterday, after coming back from our annual New Year's day hike, I received a rather curious phone call. The conversation went something like this.

Me - Hello?

Mr. X - Hello, is this (my name)?

Me - yes it is. Who is this?

Mr. X - this is Adrian (or was it Adam - he obviously did not impress me)

Me - Ah, yes. (At this point I thought he was a telemarketer)

Mr. X - I might have met you on myspace or friendster

Me - Okay, and...

Mr. X - 714 - Where is that anyway? Are you from LA?

...okay, at this point, my curious phone call just turned freaky. I answered his question and I absolutely have no idea why. I just remember being confused.

Me - Orange County.

Mr. X - Well, I just called to wish you a Happy New Year.

Me - Thanks, you too. Okay, goodbye.

Mr. X - Do you have a myspace?

Me - No, I've just closed that account.'s exactly why I closed that account. There are quite a few freaky people out there, and no matter how tight you set the privacy, they still get a hold of you. If this guy is one of the crazy e-mails I've gotten over the last 18 months (rather flattering e-mails mind but still freaky that they'd just write to a complete stranger) I've had that myspace account, then I'm now really freaked out because...HOW THE HELL DID HE GET MY NUMBER? Nowhere in there did I enter a phone number.

Mr. X - How old are you anyway?

Me - Ah, (long pause) 30.

Mr. X - Are you serious ? (based on his rather perplexed response, this guy must be about
24-27 years old). Wow, really?

Me - Yeah.

Mr. X - Well, I just wanted to wish you a Happy New year.

Me - Okay, you have a good one too. Bye.

I handled that phone call rather poorly. Beside me was my husband who was probably more curious than I was during the whole minute or two conversation. "Did he ask you how old you were?" Yeah, that was a mystery. My husband urged me next time should I get more strange phone calls of such, god forbid, to ask the questions and do the interrogating not them.

Here's the thing, WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET MY NUMBER? I never really gave it another thought, until this morning when I checked my e-mail. I wonder how much of this internet thing is safe and how much of it is just asking for trouble. I mean, bloody hell, how the hell did he get my name and my phone number?

Now come to think of it. I got another phone call on Christmas day from the same number- Unavailable - with a similar accent - Latino/Mexican accent - asking for someone else, claiming to have dialed the wrong number.

But why would anyone phone a person who doesn't know them? "Hello, this is Adam. You don't know me but I'd like to talk to you. Please talk to me." Whoever you are, Adam (or Adrian), and I don't mean to be a bitch here, but get a fucking life. Phone someone you know and lose my number forever.

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