Tuesday, December 11, 2007


As we were backing out of the parking lot last night, I can't help but call the guy a wanker. Our car is already out of the parking space, fully backed out, simply in need of a change of gear. A 4-door BMW branded car who came from behind still decided to overtake giving us a look as though we were in the wrong. He then sped out of the apartment complex, and drove off as though everything was normal. We caught up with the same guy 10 minutes later who, to make a story short, behaved once again as a BMW driver would. Wanker.

Let me just say this, and let me make it clear,


Apparently, I'm not alone:

http://web.ukonline.co.uk/wolf56/bmw.html (very funny)



...and there are million others where these sites came from (google)

So it turns out I have many friends who drive the suckers. They understand the sentiment (I love you guys); It's not like I ever tried to hide my opinion. I get the workmanship, the genius engineering, but I don't understand how the drivers could be as big of assholes as they are once on the road. Does the asshole come in the package, included in the price?

"I'm sorry sir, could I have one of those without the asshole?"

"I'm sorry miss, they come prepackaged."

Every BMW ends with Wanker.

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