Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tears in Music

This morning at church, I was brought to tears by Chopin’s Ballade in G minor. The man, whoever he was, played the music brilliantly. Now, I’m not a very emotional woman; in fact, I am more known for being rather emphatically callous. However, there is something about music that always moves me.

I mean, hello, I dated a guy in high school because I fell in love with his musical abilities. He played my heart with his music, so do speak. When that was over, I yet again, this time in college, gravitated towards a man who played his way into my heart. Though he went out of tune quickly, he led me to who I believe to be the main composer of my life, God. As a baby Christian, out of all the churches I could’ve walked into, I walked into Vineyard. Yeah. Let’s just say God serenaded his way and he never stopped. I mean, my mother-in-law is an opera singer for crying out loud. 

Part of me wishes I never stopped playing, but this morning, I was happy to just listen and allowed the music to take me wherever it wanted to.  There was something about the music that spoke security and peace in me.  The crescendo nailed in a deep anchor in my heart that was so incredibly self assuring.

Is it coincidental that we happen to finally settle in a church where music has been a vital part of their worship? I mean, Dr. Hanan Yaqub, who once stood alongside the legendary John Rutter, is the musical director. I also work in a University where the Music department is one of the best in the nation.  Hello! God knows what touches me.  No, not sappy chick flick movies, but a well composed, well played music.  (I once cried listening to David Gray)

I believe that god is composing my life in a perfect symphony. He is by any means nowhere close to finishing, but at least I know that the final product will be magnificent. Now, that’s worth the tears.

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