Tuesday, December 11, 2007


As we were backing out of the parking lot last night, I can't help but call the guy a wanker. Our car is already out of the parking space, fully backed out, simply in need of a change of gear. A 4-door BMW branded car who came from behind still decided to overtake giving us a look as though we were in the wrong. He then sped out of the apartment complex, and drove off as though everything was normal. We caught up with the same guy 10 minutes later who, to make a story short, behaved once again as a BMW driver would. Wanker.

Let me just say this, and let me make it clear,


Apparently, I'm not alone:

http://web.ukonline.co.uk/wolf56/bmw.html (very funny)



...and there are million others where these sites came from (google)

So it turns out I have many friends who drive the suckers. They understand the sentiment (I love you guys); It's not like I ever tried to hide my opinion. I get the workmanship, the genius engineering, but I don't understand how the drivers could be as big of assholes as they are once on the road. Does the asshole come in the package, included in the price?

"I'm sorry sir, could I have one of those without the asshole?"

"I'm sorry miss, they come prepackaged."

Every BMW ends with Wanker.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Graffiti Art

Are you more of a Coach kind of person or a Loius Vuitton one?

I was shopping last night at the mall for some home accessories. As one whose obsession with shoes never seem to get under control, I just had to walk through the shoe section to browse for the latest styles (and yes, I was a very good girl and resisted buying an Alfani comfort Mary Jane). I came across this pair of shoes:

For the love of fashion! Who in the right mind would buy such item which can only be described beyond tacky, a hideous sight? I mean, seriously, I will not be caught dead wearing one of these.

I know the latest fashion trend seem to summarize this generation fairly well; one that of name brands. The clothes, the bags, and as I just found out, the shoes one wears all represent one's identity. Personally, I don't believe in name brands. Yes, I own I a number of items with respectable brands: marc jacobs, hermes, coach, miu miu, reaction, etc. However, I can promise you that you will never see me advertising them around. Graffiti art is free advertising for manufacturing companies and an admission to one's lack of self identity and individuality. Come on. What the hell makes these graffiti art accessories look appealing? Nothing. Graffiti art is nonsensical. All it does is shout out loud to everyone that one has submitted to status quo and have become a victim of advertising. "Hey, look at me, I'm a Coach girl, much like everyone else. Oh yeah, by the way, they're real. No really, I'm real."

It doesn't really matter much if one's graffiti art is real. What matters is the reason why one would even think of buying one at all, and propagate it around as though one is better with one than without. The irony, eh?

Monday, October 29, 2007

A Hooker

So what are you going to dress-up as this Halloween? Cat woman? Wonder Woman? Britney Spears? A witch? I've always wondered if there are connections between our mind and what we choose to dress up as for costume parties. A witch for example would symbolize our inner wickedness that has to be suppressed for social purposes. Our fascination of other people's lifestyle leads us to want to look like them. Or our subconscious desire to be famous would cause us to dress like one who is famous. A sexy cat just says, "I am sexy," and "I'm feisty...meow."

But a hooker?!

Okay, I understand men dressing up as hookers. They love women, and perhaps fantasize of one every 5 minutes. It doesn't matter really with whom, as long as she looks attractive to him. But what about women? What woman thinks about being a prostitute? I mean no offense to prostitutes, I just don't see anything attractive about their lifestyle. I can't imagine one who is happy with her situation.

So if you could be anyone you want to be for halloween, why be a prostitute? If you just want an excuse to be sexy, then dress as one who is more respectable in society. Dress as one who has a higher rank in the fantasy world. Be a bunny. I'm yet to see one dressed-up as a bunny who is not sexy. What about princess Jasmine? She shows her belly and legs. There are plenty other personas you can take on to represent your inner psyche.

Please do yourself a favour, just don't dress-up as a prostitute.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


...is the one who bites the hand that feeds him.


...he repays kindness with spite.

...lies because he's not man enough to admit anything of truth.

...pretends to be nice, but talks crap behind your back.


...flatters in malice.

...lies because he is a lie himself.



...blames everyone else and everything else except for oneself.

...and did I say, lies?

Bloody scumbag.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel Peace

What are the qualms about Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize? An environmentalist doesn’t deserve recognition?

According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

When the US declined full participation in the Tokyo protocol, we broke fraternization with other nations that believed so passionately in it. Al Gore as an environmentalist, doesn't deserve a Nobel PEACE prize? Then who does?

Here is a man whose only desire is to live life worthy of his principles, of his passions, not soliciting any type of rewards nor acknowledgment. The only recognition he importunes upon us is towards the cause he is fighting for, not to himself.

Let’s talk about the video, An Inconvenient Truth. Some would say that it is an educational documentary, not a political one. Hmm. What makes a political issue? Does ammunition need be present to consider anything political? Hasn’t global warming been a big political issue for the last 30 or so years? Hasn’t it been a central debate in the Senate and in the UN? The inconvenient truth is, global warming has been long ignored by the government and is way overdue of acknowledgment.

I don’t at all discredit those who argue that perhaps another deserving person should be awarded the prize. My problem is with those who easily discredit a person simply because they don’t like him. One’s feelings toward another have nothing to do with the person whose feelings are felt towards. If I hate Al Gore, my feelings don’t discredit his pursuits and accomplishments. If anything, my hatred towards him is more telling of who I am than who Gore is (not that I hate him of course).

For all its worth Mr. Gore, congratulations.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Jewelry on women? Beautiful
Jewelry on men? Ah, No

As I walked out of my car this morning, into the medical clinic which I seem to frequent these last few months, the handsomest man held the door open as I was approaching. What makes this man beautiful? The eyes. The eyes are everything. He had really long dark lashes, curled up framing his perfectly almond shaped eyes. They were hazel, carefully enhanced by his pinstriped chocolate and blue shirt. His deep tan complimented his brunette messy hair which in turn flattered his eyes. His flirtatious cologne made him even handsomer. We walked in the same elevator, he gave me a smile, I smiled back. He turned to me, and there it was. He was wearing a quarter inch gold chain. Agghhh, major turn off. As a rational woman as I am, of course I think he's gay. Why else did he wait with the door open for me? Why else would he smile at a stranger in the elevator? And most importantly, why else would he wear a chain? Aside from wedding rings and a watch, men should never wear any other form of jewelry, unless of course their aim is to attract other bejeweled men, or if they're Italians. Under no circumstances are they attractive.

Speaking of jewelries. I lost another earing this week. Yes, I lost a Tiffany tri-circular dangles. Only if I'd kept all my singled earings, I could probably create an art piece out of them. My family likes to lavish me with expensive jewelries inexplicably, given that I've lost almost every single one of them. I've lost a 24 karat gold earing in the Pacific Ocean, a diamond encrusted Bulova watch, a quarter karat diamond stud in Dublin Bay, and a white gold diamond encrusted ring at Corona Del Mar. There would be no recognition for the other jewelries not worth mentioning (if they were worth less than $100). Lesson of the story, DON'T GIVE ME EXPENSIVE JEWELRY.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Automatic Flushing Toilets

Let's face it, they're brilliant!

Albeit, I often hate them more than love them. I mean, what's up with flushing before I even get up? I hate the way the water splatters all over my butt before I am even finished. And what if I did a messy one? Would the mess splatter all over?

I wish we had those Japanese toilets. You know, the ones that automatically washes you after doing it? One has an option from a shower wash to a squirting one. They should invent a toilet that is also capable of wiping.

Hmmm, just a thought.