Saturday, August 1, 2009

Facebook News

Okay, so it's been sometime since I've written.  I've written enough papers for me to think more about writing.

Before the semester begins, however, and before the papers yet to be written begin to pile up, let me vent yet again... this time about Facebook.

A friend has announced her pregnancy the day after taking a home test pregnancy, ON FACEBOOK.  

I don't understand how people use these online networking sites to herald some of the biggest news of their lives.  Never mind heralding such big news to strangers (let's face it, most of our closest friends either don't have a facebook, or never really use them, leaving most of those in our "friends list" more acquaintances than friends), at such a time that these types of news should not even be mentioned within the family circle until the danger period (the first trimester) ends.  Big news as such should be given personally.  

I'm not sure about my friend, but I do like to see the faces and the reactions of my loved ones when I tell them my story.

To be honest, I faked a surprise tone when this particular friend in question called to tell me the news.  Her husband had actually betrayed the news the day before she did... and it wasn't that exciting.  Don't get me wrong, the news is wonderful and I couldn't be happier.  I just found out in a not so exciting way.

Also, last I checked, Facebook is NOT Twitter.

I don't really care what you're doing every minute of the day.  I don't give a shit what you're eating or what you've eaten for dinner.  Unless you're inviting or you are sharing, what is the point?

I truly hate it when people drown my homepage with their trivial profile posts.  If you're bored, read the news, and share anything that which seems interesting.  Do something more intellectually stimulating.  I couldn't care less as to which Sex and the City character you are.  I really don't give a damn about your IQ score because really, you've just demonstrated it.

At the end of the day, you've just trifled your status with your friends.

As much as I love Facebook, I hate that it's taken away true intimacy from relationships.  I love that I can connect with old friends and new friends alike from all over the world, but I hate how it trivializes the friendship.