Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bachelor Night

Today, I've come home from school/work before 22:00 hour for the first time in 9 weeks.  Every Wednesday, I always feel guilty for not seeing my husband pretty much from Monday until Thursday.  "(sighs)I'm glad I'm home on Thursday night."  But as I found out today, my husband has been enjoying his three bachelor nights.  While I labor and toil, the hubby has been playing games and lazing around.  "I never get to have time on my own." he complained.

The truth is, I too, enjoy having some time to myself.  It used to be that late night trips to the hot tub provided this free time, but now that I've gotten so busy in the evenings, I've had to find other ways.  Luckily, I finish work early on Thursdays and Fridays.  Recently, sitting in front of the telly watching mindless crappy tv shows has been relaxing enough.  Far from my ideal alone time, it has surprisingly served as a escape, a time to let the mind wander, thinking about nothing of significance.  

Funny how many single people idealize a time of "never having to be alone again."  Though I understand the idea, I find it interesting that as a married person, I long for the "time of being alone."  There is a happy mid point.  I believe that it is healthy to keep one's own social life.  Alan and I share the same friends, but there are times when I just want to hang with my friends, sans the husband, and he with his friends, sans moah.  I am fine with this so long as the friend he is hanging out with is not another girl I don't know, and vice versa.

Se la vie, as the French would say.  Yes, that's life.